After choosing your character, you are given quests throughout its multiple chapters, to battle against the demonic hordes and their allies. Long story short, in every imaginable way, this is a Diablo-clone an isometric loot slasher. There is a ton of content to play through. Let me be clear that those three acts are beefy. Throughout its three main acts, you play out the story and are introduced to many familiar names from the tabletop games universe. The Slayer Edition also lets you pick the newly added Witch Hunter. You play as either an Empire soldier, High Elf mage, Wood Elf scout, or your choice of Dwarf Slayer or Engineer. The Slayer Edition brings a nice set of Series X and PS5 enhancements to it as well being bundled with all of its post launch content. Warhammer: Chaosbane originally dropped in 2019. I mean, it IS the Slayer Edition, right? Kinda have to.