The joy comes solely and absolutely through its multiplayer experience. Blacklight Interactive’s golf sim that’s lived on Steam for the past few years arrives on consoles with little reason to jump in as a single-player experience. Upon starting the game, you realise that the chaos of attempting to putt a golf ball into a basketball hoop is close to no fun at all when not playing with your buddies to laugh through the absurdity of it all.

Probably more so than any other game I can recently remember. Golf With Your Friends will likely be a new addition to the rotation, even though it doesn’t quite match up to the genre titles we’ve dabbled in beforehand.

The competitive nature of being able to simulate golf when none of us would have any skill of the sport in real life (save mini-golfing our way around Butlin’s Minehead) is a guaranteed inclusion on our game nights. From Tiger Woods PGA Tour to the sorely underrated Infinite Minigolf, we’ve had countless nights having a blast pelting golf balls up and down simulated versions of real life courses and futuristic sci-fi space stations. Over the years my friends and I have jumped into various incarnations of the genre that have appeared throughout the generations. Golf With Your Friends is the most perfectly titled game of the year so far.